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I`m communication strategist and author who is curious about blending art with science to evoke visceral reactions to designed mental and sensory experiences. 
This website is an online equivalent of a working notebook, where I share book highlights, links to resources and opportunities, and some cuts from past and current work-in progress. 


Jan 2022 - now

Communication strategist at Berlevåg Harbor Museum, Norway

Self-Portrait, 2021

Mar 2022 - now

Curator at Kvitbrakka Art Residence, Berlevåg, Norway


May 2022 

"Hvem er du når verden brenner?" at Arctic University Museum of Norway,  Tromsø

June 2022 

"Avtrykk", group exhibition at Nordkapp Museum, Honningsvåg, Norway


Apr 2019

Artist in residency at Kvitbrakka, Berlevåg, Norway

Mar 2019

Artist in residency at Fiskars Village, Finland

Masterclasses & Reviews

Apr 2019

Selected participant for 7th New York Times Portfolio Review, USA

Oct 2016/17 

Conceptualising the personal by Phillip Toledano, ISSP, Latvia

Mar 2016

Selected participant for 4th New York Times Portfolio Review, USA

Aug 2014

Personal approach to photography by Pieter ten Hoopen, VU Agency


Apr 2016

In Sight Blog by Bronwen Latimer, The Washington Post

May 2016

Feature of the story Embrace on LensCulture

Dec 2014

The letter from DMJX, Theory&Practice


Jan - Dec 2014

Danish School of Media & Journalism, Advanced Visual Storytelling

2009 - 2015

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Photojournalism Department

The Sensitive Mind
All images and texts © Daria Klima
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